Feature View Customization and Saved Views

Make use of Productmotion's various filters and customizations to create the perfect report. Save these as "Saved Views" for easy access.

Feature filters

The Feature planner with its various views (Table, Chart, etc.) are fully filterable on various dimensions such as:

  • Objectives
  • Labels
  • Assignees
  • Themes
  • Timeframes

Table view customizations

In addition to this, the "Table" view allows you to customize the order and whether certain columns are shown in view as well as the default column and sort direction to start with when initially loaded. The current columns you can customize on a Table view are the following:

  • Timeframe From / To
  • Workflow State
  • (Delivery Integration) Status
  • Theme
  • Insights Count
  • Objectives
  • Labels
  • Activity
  • Assignee
  • Prioritization Value Dimensions, Cost Dimensions, and Scores

It may be convenient to set the view with a particular set of features, columns, or sorting order and save that

How to create a new Saved View

When the Feature planner is first loaded what is shown is the "Default" view. Each type of Feature planner view (eg. Table, Chart) has its own default view. You can customize the view by adding filters, or clicking on the "Customize" button to change the columns / sort orders, etc.

Once this is applied, clicking on the dropdown on the top left will reveal a button that will allow you to Save the current view as a new view. After giving it a name and description, you can click "Save" to create the view.

Currently, the "Saved Views" features works with saving:

  • Column show / hide and order of columns
  • Default sort and sort direction
  • All filters mentioned above including Workflow State
  • Search query (if entered during saving of the view)

Switching Views

Once there are various saved views created, clicking on the "Saved View" dropdown (see previous section for screenshot) will allow you to quickly change between views at a click of a button.

Preset Views

For convenience, there are also a certain number of "Preset" views that will allow you to see feature data in different ways, these are currently:

  • Default View
  • Everything View
  • Assigned to me View

Updating the Default View

To update the default view, customize the view as you would like and then click on the icon beside the default view to save the default / override the settings.

Updating a Named Saved View

If you have a Saved View loaded and are adding / removing filters, the Saved View selector will be replaced with a yellow button that will allow you to persist the changes or discard them as you wish. You can also create a new Saved View with those parameters.

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